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Operating System

Civrealm works with the following operating systems:

  • Windows >= 10

  • Ubuntu >= 20.0

  • macOS X

Docker Version

CivRealm provides an interface for programmatic control of the Freeciv-web game. To run CivRealm locally, you need to start our customized Freeciv-web server using docker, which requires docker version >= 24.0.6.

Check docker version by

docker -v

Install Docker

We suggest following the Docker Docs to install the latest version of docker.

Running Freeciv-web with Docker

Do not use the original Freeciv-web

Please do NOT use the image built based on the original Freeciv-web repo. The image has been customize to suit agent training functionalities. The latest commits in that repo might cause compatibility issues.

There are 4 ways to download/build the customized Freeciv web image: 1. use CivRealm's built-in commands (recommended), 2. pull from the docker hub, 3. download and load our pre-built docker image, or 4. compile the docker image from source.

Freeciv-Web Service

After starting the Freeciv-web service, you can connect to the Freeciv-web server via the host machine localhost:8080 using a standard browser.

  1. Stop the existing freeciv-web service as follows. You can skip this step if you have not started the freeciv-web service before.


    Stop Container

    This command keeps the image and only removes the container.

  2. Download the latest freeciv-web image by the following command. You can skip this step if you have already downloaded the latest image.

  3. Start the freeciv-web service by running:


We also provide a command build_freeciv_web_service that combines the above three commands for convenience. It automatically remove the existing freeciv-web service, fetch the latest freeciv-web image, and start the freeciv-web service.

Method 2: Pull from the Docker Hub

You can pull our pre-built docker image from the docker hub. Assume the image version is named `VERSION'.

  1. Pull the docker image to your local machine:

    docker pull civrealm/freeciv-web:VERSION
  2. Tag the docker image:

    docker tag civrealm/freeciv-web:VERSION freeciv/freeciv-web:VERSION
  3. Run the following command to clone the civrealm repo and build the freeciv-web service from Docker:

    git clone ssh:// civrealm
    cd civrealm/src/civrealm/configs
    docker compose up -d freeciv-web

Docker permission

If the docker command complains about the sudo permission, please follow the instruction here.

command not found: docker compose

If the docker compose command is not found, please make sure that you have installed the docker version >= 24.0.6.

Method 3: Download and Load the Docker Image

You can use our pre-built docker image file to directly start the Freeciv-web server, the steps are as follows:

  1. Download our customized docker image from here. Suppose the downloaded image file is named as IMAGE_FILE_NAME.

  2. Run the following command to load the downloaded docker image from the image file directory:

docker load -i IMAGE_FILE_NAME
  1. Follow the step 3 of Method 2 to start the docker service.

Method 4: Compile the Docker Image from Source Code

You can also compile the source code to build the service follwing the instruction of Freeciv-web Repo from here. It has relatively large network overhead when building services, and could take a long time (up to 3 hours) to complete.