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Write Your First Agent

Write a simple rule-based agent

At each step, agent chooses the first valid actor who has done nothing yet in the current turn. If there is not such an actor, agent ends the current turn. Otherwise, if the chosen actor can build a city, agent generates an action "build a city" for the actor with probability 0.8; else, agent randomly chooses a valid "move" action for the actor.

import random
from civrealm.agents.base_agent import BaseAgent

class RandomAgent(BaseAgent):
    def __init__(self):

    def random_action_by_name(self, valid_action_dict, name):
        # Assume input actions are valid, and return a random choice of the actions whose name contains the input name.
        action_choices = [
            key for key in valid_action_dict.keys() if name in key]
        if action_choices:
            return random.choice(action_choices)
            return None

    def act(self, observations, info):
        unit_actor, unit_action_dict = self.get_next_valid_actor(
            observations, info, 'unit')'Valid actions: {unit_action_dict}')
        if not unit_actor:
            return None

        # Try to build a city
        build_action = self.random_action_by_name(unit_action_dict, 'build')
        if build_action and random.random() > 0.2:
            return 'unit', unit_actor, build_action

        # Try to move
        return 'unit', unit_actor, self.random_action_by_name(unit_action_dict, 'goto')

Base Environment

You should use "Base Environment" to test "RandomAgent"

import gymnasium
env = gymnasium.make('civrealm/FreecivBase-v0')

Run "RandomAgent" in CivRealm:

import gymnasium
from civrealm.agents import RandomAgent
from civrealm.configs import fc_args

def main():
    env = gymnasium.make('civrealm/FreecivBase-v0')
    agent = RandomAgent()

    observations, info = env.reset(client_port=fc_args['client_port'])
    done = False
    step = 0
    while not done:
            action = agent.act(observations, info)
            observations, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(
                f'Step: {step}, Turn: {info["turn"]}, Reward: {reward}, Terminated: {terminated}, '
                f'Truncated: {truncated}, action: {action}')
            step += 1
            done = terminated or truncated
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

if __name__ == '__main__':


Now, if we run the script, we should see outputs:

Step: 0, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 101, 'build_road')
Step: 1, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 105, 'goto_2')
Step: 2, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 106, 'build_road')
Step: 3, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 107, 'build_road')
Step: 4, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 108, 'goto_5')
Step: 5, Turn: 2, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: None
Step: 6, Turn: 2, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 101, 'build_city')

Write a random LLM agent

At each step, agent chooses the first valid actor who has done nothing yet in the current turn. If there is not such an actor, agent ends the current turn. Otherwise, agent randomly chooses a valid action for the actor.

import random
from civrealm.agents.base_agent import BaseAgent

class RandomLLMAgent(BaseAgent):
    def __init__(self):
        if fc_args["debug.randomly_generate_seeds"]:
            agentseed = os.getpid()
            if "debug.agentseed" in fc_args:

    def act(self, observation, info):
        if info['turn'] != self.turn:
            self.planned_actor_ids = []
            self.turn = info['turn']

        for ctrl_type, actors_dict in info['llm_info'].items():
            for actor_id in actors_dict.keys():
                if actor_id in self.planned_actor_ids:
                available_actions = actors_dict[actor_id]['available_actions']
                if available_actions:
                    action_name = random.choice(available_actions)
                    return (ctrl_type, actor_id, action_name)

LLM Environment

You should Use "LLM Environment" to test "RandomLLMAgent"

import gymnasium
from civrealm.envs.freeciv_wrapper import LLMWrapper
env = gymnasium.make('civrealm/FreecivBase-v0')
env = LLMWrapper(env)

Run "RandomLLMAgent" in CivRealm:

import gymnasium
from civrealm.envs.freeciv_wrapper import LLMWrapper
from civrealm.agents import RandomLLMAgent
from civrealm.configs import fc_args

def main():
    env = gymnasium.make('civrealm/FreecivBase-v0')
    env = LLMWrapper(env)
    agent = RandomLLMAgent()

    observations, info = env.reset(client_port=fc_args['client_port'])
    done = False
    step = 0
    while not done:
            action = agent.act(observations, info)
            observations, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(
                f'Step: {step}, Turn: {info["turn"]}, Reward: {reward}, Terminated: {terminated}, '
                f'Truncated: {truncated}, action: {action}')
            step += 1
            done = terminated or truncated
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

if __name__ == '__main__':


Now, if we run the script, we should see outputs:

Step: 0, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 103, 'move East')
Step: 1, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 113, 'move West')
Step: 2, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 114, 'move North')
Step: 3, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 115, 'move North')
Step: 4, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 116, 'move NorthEast')
Step: 5, Turn: 2, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: None
Step: 6, Turn: 2, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 103, 'move South')