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Basic Usage

Initializing an Environment

Initializing a basic/LLM Freeciv environment is simple with the Gymnasium API:

import gymnasium
env = gymnasium.make('civrealm/FreecivBase-v0')
import gymnasium
env = gymnasium.make('civrealm/FreecivMinitask-v0')

LLM Environment

To make the environment an LLM environment, you can further wrap it with the LLMWrapper class. This applies to both the full game and mini-games as well as their tensor versions. Please refer to the API Reference page for more details about these environments.

from civrealm.envs.freeciv_wrapper import LLMWrapper
env = LLMWrapper(env)

Interacting with the Environment

Interactions can also be implemented in the Gymnasium style:

from civrealm.agents import RandomAgent
agent = RandomAgent()

observations, info = env.reset()
done = False
step = 0
while not done:
    action = agent.act(observations, info)
    observations, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
    print(f'Step: {step}, Turn: {info["turn"]}, Reward: {reward}, Terminated: {terminated}, Truncated: {truncated}, action: {action}')
    step += 1
    done = terminated or truncated

LLM Random Agent

You can use RandomLLMAgent to test the LLM environment.

from civrealm.agents import RandomLLMAgent
agent = RandomLLMAgent()

Plot the Game Results

The game results can be plotted with the following code. The figures can be found under the plot_game_scores folder.

game_results = env.get_game_results()
print('game results:', game_results)


Now, if we run the script, we should see outputs similar to the command test_civrealm:

Reset with port: 6300
Step: 0, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 102, 'build_city')
Step: 1, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 109, 'goto_6')
Step: 2, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 110, 'goto_0')
Step: 3, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 111, 'goto_1')
Step: 4, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 112, 'goto_5')

Customize the Environment

We provide a set of configurations to customize the environment. For example, you can use the --max_turns argument to specify the maximum number of turns in a game. For more details, please refer to the Game Settings page.

Putting Things Together

To combine the above code snippets, we can write a simple script to initialize an (LLM) environment, interact with it using a random (LLM) agent, and plot the game results.

from civrealm.agents import RandomAgent
import gymnasium

env = gymnasium.make('civrealm/FreecivBase-v0')
agent = RandomAgent()

observations, info = env.reset()
done = False
step = 0
while not done:
    action = agent.act(observations, info)
    observations, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(
    print(f'Step: {step}, Turn: {info["turn"]}, Reward: {reward}, Terminated: {terminated}, Truncated: {truncated}, action: {action}')
    step += 1
    done = terminated or truncated

game_results = env.get_game_results()
print('game results:', game_results)
from civrealm.envs.freeciv_wrapper import LLMWrapper
from civrealm.agents import RandomLLMAgent
import gymnasium

env = gymnasium.make('civrealm/FreecivBase-v0')
env = LLMWrapper(env)
agent = RandomLLMAgent()

observations, info = env.reset()
done = False
step = 0
while not done:
    action = agent.act(observations, info)
    observations, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(
    print(f'Step: {step}, Turn: {info["turn"]}, Reward: {reward}, Terminated: {terminated}, Truncated: {truncated}, action: {action}')
    step += 1
    done = terminated or truncated

game_results = env.get_game_results()
print('game results:', game_results)