Basic Usage
Initializing an Environment
Initializing a basic/LLM Freeciv environment is simple with the Gymnasium API:
LLM Environment
To make the environment an LLM environment, you can further wrap it with the LLMWrapper
class. This applies to both the full game and mini-games as well as their tensor versions. Please refer to the API Reference page for more details about these environments.
Interacting with the Environment
Interactions can also be implemented in the Gymnasium style:
from civrealm.agents import RandomAgent
agent = RandomAgent()
observations, info = env.reset()
done = False
step = 0
while not done:
action = agent.act(observations, info)
observations, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
print(f'Step: {step}, Turn: {info["turn"]}, Reward: {reward}, Terminated: {terminated}, Truncated: {truncated}, action: {action}')
step += 1
done = terminated or truncated
LLM Random Agent
You can use RandomLLMAgent
to test the LLM environment.
Plot the Game Results
The game results can be plotted with the following code. The figures can be found under the plot_game_scores
Now, if we run the script, we should see outputs similar to the command test_civrealm
Reset with port: 6300
Step: 0, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 102, 'build_city')
Step: 1, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 109, 'goto_6')
Step: 2, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 110, 'goto_0')
Step: 3, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 111, 'goto_1')
Step: 4, Turn: 1, Reward: 0, Terminated: False, Truncated: False, action: ('unit', 112, 'goto_5')
Customize the Environment
We provide a set of configurations to customize the environment. For example, you can use the --max_turns
argument to specify the maximum number of turns in a game. For more details, please refer to the Game Settings page.
Putting Things Together
To combine the above code snippets, we can write a simple script to initialize an (LLM) environment, interact with it using a random (LLM) agent, and plot the game results.
from civrealm.agents import RandomAgent
import gymnasium
env = gymnasium.make('civrealm/FreecivBase-v0')
agent = RandomAgent()
observations, info = env.reset()
done = False
step = 0
while not done:
action = agent.act(observations, info)
observations, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(
print(f'Step: {step}, Turn: {info["turn"]}, Reward: {reward}, Terminated: {terminated}, Truncated: {truncated}, action: {action}')
step += 1
done = terminated or truncated
game_results = env.get_game_results()
print('game results:', game_results)
from civrealm.envs.freeciv_wrapper import LLMWrapper
from civrealm.agents import RandomLLMAgent
import gymnasium
env = gymnasium.make('civrealm/FreecivBase-v0')
env = LLMWrapper(env)
agent = RandomLLMAgent()
observations, info = env.reset()
done = False
step = 0
while not done:
action = agent.act(observations, info)
observations, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(
print(f'Step: {step}, Turn: {info["turn"]}, Reward: {reward}, Terminated: {terminated}, Truncated: {truncated}, action: {action}')
step += 1
done = terminated or truncated
game_results = env.get_game_results()
print('game results:', game_results)