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Tensor Agent

Welcome to Civrealm Tensor Agent! This documentation will guide you through the process of training tensor-based agents, specifically using the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), in the Civrealm Environment. We will first provide an overview of the Civrealm Tensor Env, followed by instructions on how to use the civrealm-tensor-baseline repository to train a PPO agent on this environment.

🌏 Civrealm Tensor Environment

The Civrealm Tensor Environment is a reinforcement learning environment wrapped upon Civrealm Base Env specifically designed for training agents using tensor-based algorithms. This environment

  • offer immutable spaces for mutable observation and actions,
  • provides flattened, tensorized observation and action spaces,
  • restrict available actions in order to reduce meaningless actions,
  • offers delta game score as a basic reward for RL agents,
  • provide parallel environments with batched inputs and outputs for efficient training,

and various modular wrappers which are open to customize your own environment.

Quick Start

Start a single FreecivTensor environment :

env = gymnasium.make("freeciv/FreecivTensor-v0", client_port=Ports.get())
obs, info = env.reset()

Start a parallel tensor environment with 8 parallel FreecivTensor envs:

# Training Fullgame
env = gymnasium.make("civtensor/TensorBaselineEnv-v0", parallel_number=8,task="fullgame")
# Training Minitasks
# env = gymnasium.make("civtensor/TensorBaselineEnv-v0", parallel_number=8,task="development_build_city normal")
obs, info = env.reset()


The observation space is a gymnasium.Dict() consisting of 9 subspaces with keys listed below.

Observations can be immutable and mutable.

Immutable Obs: map, player, rules.

hey have fixed dimensions through the game-play.

Immutable Observations

Immutables Field Dimension
rules build_cost (120,)
map status (84, 56, 3)
terrain (84, 56, 14)
extras (84, 56, 34)
output (84, 56, 6)
tile_owner (84, 56, 1)
city_owner (84, 56, 1)
unit (84, 56, 52)
unit_owner (84, 56, 1)
player score (1,)
is_alive (1,)
turns_alive (1,)
government (6,)
target_government (7,)
tax (1,)
science (1,)
luxury (1,)
gold (1,)
culture (1,)
revolution_finishes (1,)
science_cost (1,)
tech_upkeep (1,)
techs_researched (1,)
total_bulbs_prod (1,)
techs (87,)

Mutable Obs: unit, city, others_unit, others_city, others_player, dipl.

The number of units, cities, and other mutable observations are constantly changing. Nevertheless, we truncate or pad mutable entities to a fixed size.

Mutables Size
unit 128
city 32
others_unit 128
others_city 64
others_player 10
dipl 10
Mutable Observations for a Single Entity

Mutables Field Dimension per Entity
city owner (1,)
size (1,)
x (1,)
y (1,)
food_stock (1,)
granary_size (1,)
granary_turns (1,)
production_value (120,)
city_radius_sq (1,)
buy_cost (1,)
shield_stock (1,)
disbanded_shields (1,)
caravan_shields (1,)
last_turns_shield_surplus (1,)
improvements (68,)
luxury (1,)
science (1,)
prod_food (1,)
surplus_food (1,)
prod_gold (1,)
surplus_gold (1,)
prod_shield (1,)
surplus_shield (1,)
prod_trade (1,)
surplus_trade (1,)
bulbs (1,)
city_waste (1,)
city_corruption (1,)
city_pollution (1,)
state (5,)
turns_to_prod_complete (1,)
prod_process (1,)
ppl_angry (6,)
ppl_unhappy (6,)
ppl_content (6,)
ppl_happy (6,)
before_change_shields (1,)
unit owner (1,)
health (1,)
veteran (1,)
x (1,)
y (1,)
type_rule_name (52,)
type_attack_strength (1,)
type_defense_strength (1,)
type_firepower (1,)
type_build_cost (1,)
type_convert_time (1,)
type_obsoleted_by (53,)
type_hp (1,)
type_move_rate (1,)
type_vision_radius_sq (1,)
type_worker (1,)
type_can_transport (1,)
home_city (1,)
moves_left (1,)
upkeep_food (1,)
upkeep_shield (1,)
upkeep_gold (1,)
others_city owner (1,)
size (1,)
improvements (68,)
style (10,)
capital (1,)
occupied (1,)
walls (1,)
happy (1,)
unhappy (1,)
others_unit owner (1,)
veteran (1,)
x (1,)
y (1,)
type (52,)
occupied (1,)
transported (1,)
hp (1,)
activity (1,)
activity_tgt (1,)
transported_by (1,)
others_player score (1,)
is_alive (2,)
love (12,)
diplomatic_state (8,)
techs (87,)
dipl type (20,)
give_city (32,)
ask_city (64,)
give_gold (16,)
ask_gold (16,)


In tensor environment, the complete action space is

                "actor_type": spaces.Discrete(len(self.actor_type_list)),
                "city_id": spaces.Discrete(self.action_config["resize"]["city"]),
                "city_action_type": spaces.Discrete(
                "unit_id": spaces.Discrete(self.action_config["resize"]["unit"]),
                "unit_action_type": spaces.Discrete(
                "dipl_id": spaces.Discrete(self.action_config["resize"]["dipl"]),
                "dipl_action_type": spaces.Discrete(
                "gov_action_type": spaces.Discrete(
                "tech_action_type": spaces.Discrete(

The actor_type indicate which actor type this action belongs to, the value \(\in [0\dots5]\) indicating city,unit,gov,dipl,tech,end-turn respectively.

For a mutable type $mutable, ${mutable}_id indicates the position of the unit to take this action in the list of entities. For example, unit_id=0 might indicate a Settler located at a specific tile.

${actor_type}_action_type is an action index which can be translated into a specific action, for example goto_8 or stop_negotiation.


Although the full action space is a Cartesion product of 9 subspaces, the actor_type will determine which category of entity should execute this action, and ${actor_type}_id will determine which entity should execute a specific action ${actor_type}_action_type.

Thus it suffices for the env to only look at 3 tuples: (actor_type, ${actor_type}_id, ${actor_type}_action_type), and it's legitimate to pass a 3-tuple if their values and types are compatible.

Action Space Details

Category Actions Count
city city_work_None_ 4
city_unwork_None_ 4
city_work_ 20
city_unwork_ 20
city_buy_production 1
city_change_specialist_ 3
city_sell 35
produce 120
unit transform_terrain 1
mine 1
cultivate 1
plant 1
fortress 1
airbase 1
irrigation 1
fallout 1
pollution 1
keep_activity 1
paradrop 1
build_city 1
join_city 1
fortify 1
build_road 1
build_railroad 1
pillage 1
set_homecity 1
airlift 1
upgrade 1
deboard 1
board 1
unit_unload 1
cancel_order 1
goto_ 8
attack_ 8
conquer_city_ 8
spy_bribe_unit_ 8
spy_steal_tech_ 8
spy_sabotage_city_ 8
hut_enter_ 8
embark_ 8
disembark_ 8
trade_route_ 9
marketplace_ 9
embassy_stay_ 8
investigate_spend_ 8
dipl stop_negotiation_ 1
accept_treaty_ 1
cancel_treaty_ 1
cancel_vision_ 1
add_clause_ShareMap_ 2
remove_clause_ShareMap_ 2
add_clause_ShareSeaMap_ 2
remove_clause_ShareSeaMap_ 2
add_clause_Vision_ 2
remove_clause_Vision_ 2
add_clause_Embassy_ 2
remove_clause_Embassy_ 2
add_clause_Ceasefire_ 2
remove_clause_Ceasefire_ 2
add_clause_Peace_ 2
remove_clause_Peace_ 2
add_clause_Alliance_ 2
remove_clause_Alliance_ 2
trade_tech_clause_Advance_ 174
remove_clause_Advance_ 174
trade_gold_clause_TradeGold_ 30
remove_clause_TradeGold_ 30
trunc_trade_city_clause_TradeCity_ 96
trunc_remove_clause_TradeCity_ 96
gov change_gov_Anarchy 1
change_gov_Despotism 1
change_gov_Monarchy 1
change_gov_Communism 1
change_gov_Republic 1
change_gov_Democracy 1
set_sci_luax_tax 66
tech research 87

You can copy the above HTML table and use it in your HTML file or any other HTML-supported platform.

🤖 Network Architecture for a Tensor Agent

Tensor Architecture

To effectively handle multi-source and variable-length inputs, we draw inspiration from AlphaStar and implement a serialized hierarchical feature extraction and action selection approach, as shown above. This method involves generating layered actions and predicting value function outputs, and our neural network architecture comprises three main components: representation learning, action selection, and value estimation.

Representation. At the representation level, we adopt a hierarchical structure. In the lower layer, we extract controller features using various models like MLP, Transformer, and CNN, depending on whether the input is a single vector, sequence, or image-based. These extracted features are then fed into a transformer to facilitate attention across different entities, creating globally meaningful representations. Additionally, we utilize an RNN to combine the current-state features with the memory state, enabling conditional policy decisions based on the state history.

Action selection. At the action selection level, we leverage the learned representations to make decisions. In the actor selection module, we determine the primary action category to be executed, including options like unit, city, government, technology, diplomacy, or termination. Subsequently, we employ a pointer network to select the specific action ID to be executed, followed by the determination of the exact action to be performed.

Value estimation. To enable the use of an actor-critic algorithm, we incorporate a value prediction head after the representation learning phase. This shared representation part of the network benefits both the actor and critic, enhancing training efficiency.

Training. We use the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm to train the agent. To mitigate the on-policy sample complexity of PPO, we harness Ray for parallelizing tensor environments, optimizing training speed and efficiency.

🏃 Using civrealm-tensor-baseline Repository

The civrelam-tensor-baseline repository is a collection of code and utilities that provide a baseline implementation for training reinforcement learning agents using tensor-based algorithms.

It includes an implementation of the PPO algorithm, which we will use to train our agents in the Civrealm Tensor Environment.

🏌️ Getting Started

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the civrealm-tensor-baseline repository from GitHub and enter the directory:

    cd civrealm-tensor-baseline
  2. Install the required dependencies by running:

    pip install -e .
  3. Training PPO baseline for fullgame

    cd examples

    In default, this would start a runner with the config specified in civrealm-tensor-baseline/civtensor/configs/.

  4. OR Train PPO baseline for minitasks:

    cd examples

    In default, this would start a sequence of runners each with a minitask config specified in civrealm-tensor-baseline/examples/run_configs. Either will start the training process, allowing the agent to interact with the environment, collect experiences, and update its policy using the PPO algorithm.

  5. Monitor the training progress and evaluate the agent's performance, using the provided metrics and visualization tools in the civrealm-tensor-baseline repository.

    cd examples/results/freeciv_tensor_env/$game_type/ppo/installtest/seed-XXXXXXXXX
    # where $game_type = fullgame or minitask
    tensorboard --logdir logs/
    The output of the last command should return a url. Terminal Output Visit this url with your favorite web browser, and you can view your agent performance in real time. Tensorboard Web

Congratulations! You have successfully set up the Civrealm Tensor Agent and started training a PPO agent on the Civrealm Tensor Environment, using the civrealm-tensor-baseline repository.

Runner Configuration

The default configs reside in civtensor/configs/

freeciv_tensor_env.yaml defines environment-related properties. You may specify which task to run by specifying task_name.

task_name: fullgame

  • Acceptable task_name are "fullgame" or "$minitask_type $minitask_difficulty".


For available mini-task types and difficulties, please check minigame

ppo.yaml defines environment-related properties. You may specify which task to run by specifying task_name.

Details of ppo.yaml
  # whether to use the specified seed
  seed_specify: False
  # seed
  seed: 1
  # whether to use CUDA
  cuda: True
  # whether to set CUDA deterministic
  cuda_deterministic: True
  # arg to torch.set_num_threads
  torch_threads: 4
  # number of parallel environments for training data collection
  n_rollout_threads: 8
  # number of total training steps
  num_env_steps: 10000000
  # number of steps per environment per training data collection
  episode_length: 125
  # logging interval
  log_interval: 1
  # evaluation interval
  eval_interval: 5
  # whether to use ValueNorm
  use_valuenorm: True
  # whether to use linear learning rate decay
  use_linear_lr_decay: False
  # whether to consider the case of truncation when an episode is done
  use_proper_time_limits: True
  # if set, load models from this directory; otherwise, randomly initialise the models
  model_dir: ~
  # whether to use evaluation
  use_eval: True
  # number of parallel environments for evaluation
  n_eval_rollout_threads: 1
  # number of episodes per evaluation
  eval_episodes: 20
  # whether to use render
  use_render: False
  # number of episodes to render
  render_episodes: 10
  # hidden dimension
  hidden_dim: 256
  # hidden dimension for rnn
  rnn_hidden_dim: 1024
  # number of heads in transformer
  n_head: 2
  # number of layers in transformer
  n_layers: 2
  # dropout probability
  drop_prob: 0
  # number of rnn layers
  n_rnn_layers: 2
  # initialization method for network parameters, choose from xavier_uniform_, orthogonal_, ...
  initialization_method: orthogonal_
  # gain of the output layer of the network.
  gain: 0.01
  # length of data chunk; only useful when use_recurrent_policy is True; episode_length has to be a multiple of data_chunk_length
  data_chunk_length: 10
  # actor learning rate
  lr: 0.0005
  # eps in Adam
  opti_eps: 0.00001
  # weight_decay in Adam
  weight_decay: 0
  # ppo parameters
  # number of epochs for actor update
  ppo_epoch: 5
  # whether to use clipped value loss
  use_clipped_value_loss: True
  # clip parameter
  clip_param: 0.2
  # number of mini-batches per epoch
  num_mini_batch: 1
  # coefficient for entropy term in actor loss
  entropy_coef: 0.01
  # coefficient for value loss
  value_loss_coef: 0.001
  # whether to clip gradient norm
  use_max_grad_norm: True
  # max gradient norm (0.5?)
  max_grad_norm: 10.0
  # whether to use Generalized Advantage Estimation (GAE)
  use_gae: True
  # discount factor
  gamma: 0.99
  # GAE lambda
  gae_lambda: 0.95
  # whether to use huber loss
  use_huber_loss: True
  # huber delta
  huber_delta: 10.0
  # logging directory
  log_dir: "./results"


In this guide, we introduced the Civrealm Tensor Environment and explained how to use the civrealm-tensor-baseline repository to train a PPO agent on this environment.

We encourage you to explore the various features and customization options available, and experiment with different reinforcement learning algorithms to further enhance your agent's performance. Happy training!